The Ultimate Website PreLaunch Checklist

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Website Pre-Launch Checklist

It’s no small feat to finally get your website done and ready to share with the world!  So here’s a BIG congrats!

But what if it’s not really ready? There’s no reason to stress over it when you have a website pre-launch checklist to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

And since we spend a lot of time building websites for awesome Lady Bosses, we figured this might be a great resource, especially if you’ve created your own!

We also always suggest getting a fresh set of eyes to help you get through the website pre-launch checklist.  You’ve spent soo much time staring at your website that you’re more likely to miss something!

Don’t forget to also check out our incredible WordPress Website Templates if your still trying create your own WordPress website and you need some extra help! 🙂

Here’s the list of our top 6 items to be sure to cross off your list before launching your website!

1. Check your Menu and Links

Make sure you go through your Main Menu and Footer Menu and be sure to check those mobile menus too if they’re different from your desktop menus.

Links can be a challenging one as every single page and post on your whole site likely has links, but it needs to be done.  The last thing you want to do is launch and have viewers clicking links that lead to nowhere.

Speaking of nowhere – this is probably a good time to mention that fact that you better have that 404 – Not Found page up and running just in case!

2. Test your Signup Forms and Automations

This is one of the most important in this website pre-launch checklist.

Just like your Menu and Links, you also need to test all of your Signup Forms and Automations. You don’t want to be stressing out about minimal subscriber signups only to find out later it’s because your form wasn’t working properly. 

Get a friend to test out your email list or other sign-up forms. You’ve spent the time putting these great measures in place, now they better work! 

Don’t forget to check on your desktop, tablet and mobile.

3. Proofread your Posts and Pages

Proofread, proofread, proofread… And then get someone else to do it too! 

If you’ve been staring at the screen for hours on end, it’s so hard to catch your own mistakes. Get a few people to look it over. 

Grammar and spelling are super important but so is readability. Is it challenging to understand the copy throughout your site? Make sure your website is easy to read. If it’s not people are just going to move on. 

One of our biggest tips is to write like you talk.  Add your content in small digestible sentences and paragraphs like we’ve done here.

4. Confirm Search Engine Visibility

If you are using WordPress, make sure you have gone back to the back end – Settings and then Reading to be sure that you don’t have the Search Engine Visibility checked off.

If you do – it will discourage Search Engines from indexing your site – you don’t want this!

Search Engine Visibility

5. Review your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Assuming you are using WordPress, install the Yoast SEO plugin or any other SEO plugin of your choosing.

Be sure to double checked that you have added all of the relevant keywords to your pages and posts to make then more searchable.

Also make sure that each page has a unique title, meta description, and the keyword is included in the actual page link (url).


6. Setup and Test your Google Analytics

If you haven’t already, you will need to set up a Google Analytics account. You can set up a free account through the Google Analytics Website. 

Once it’s all setup, you will receive a Tracking ID button that can be inputted into WordPress or any corresponding plugin you’re using.   You can use Monster Insights to make this really easy on yourself!

this way, you’ll actually be able to track the website traffic once you start to tell the world about your website.

Once you’ve made your way through this website pre-launch checklist, you’re ready to go!

I hoped this helped you to feel confident that you checked all of the boxes before your big launch!!

Congrats on your achievement and get out there and spread the word Lady Boss!

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My Secret-Sauce Checklist for Launching an Irresistible Lead Magnet

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My Secret-Sauce Checklist for Launching an Irresistible Lead Magnet
Picture of Tasha DaCosta

Tasha DaCosta

Tasha DaCosta is the founder of Lady Boss Studio and Funnel Breezy, where she helps passionate female entrepreneurs create high-converting websites and sales funnels so they can grow their businesses with freedom and ease.

Tasha DaCosta | Lady Boss Studio
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